Visit the required resource using the dropdown menu or click the appropriate image below:
Derbyshire drug and alcohol support NHS Alcohol misuse Derbyshire Recovery Partnership (formerly Addaction) 01773 744594 Alcoholics Anonymous 0845 769 7555 Derbyshire Alcohol Advice Service 0845 308 4010 Unity Mill, Belper (Alcohol and substance misuse) 01773 829966avh.ltd/drugs
Derbyshire drug and alcohol support NHS Drug addiction Derbyshire Recovery Partnership (formerly Addaction) 01773 744594 Unity Mill, Belper (Alcohol and substance misuse) 01773 829966avh.ltd/exercise
Live Life Better Derbyshire NHS Exerciseavh.ltd/smoking
Stop smoking service 0800 085 2299 Stop smoking service 01629 538 200 NHS Quit smoking Live Life Better Derbyshireavh.ltd/stress
Live Life Better Derbyshire Mental health resourcesavh.ltd/weight
Live Life Better Derbyshire NHS Managing your weight NHS ObesityFor access to weight management referrals or digital weight management referral, please contact your GP surgery:
NHS Digital Weight Management Programme Contact your surgery