GP Treat all common medical conditions and refer patients to hospitals and other medical services for urgent and specialist treatment and look after patients holistically in your community
NURSE PRACTITIONER Registered nurse with additional training to a bachelor's degree and a master's in nursing, pracitising advanced nursing skills, including clinical, diagnostic, and treatment
DISTRICT NURSE Registered nurse who provides care to patients in their homes and residential care homes, responsible for managing care within the community, to help patients maintain their independence and self-care
HEALTH VISITOR Registered nurses or midwives who work with families to support the health and development of children from pregnancy until they are around five years old
THIS SERVICE DEALS WITH Abdominal pain, Allergies/urticaria/hives, Belly button, weeping, Bleeding from rectum (back passage), Bleeding from vagina, Bleeding from vagina, after intercourse, Bleeding from vagina, after menopause, Blood in urine, no symptoms of infection, Breast lump, Change in bowel habit (especially if loose stools), Chest infection (wheezing, persistent fever, difficulty breathing, bloody sputum, very unwell), Complex cases, Cough, longer than 3-4 weeks, Coughing up blood, Crying baby, Deafness, adult, Deafness, one side only, Deafness, sudden, Diarrhoea, night-time, bloody or persistent, Difficulty swallowing, Dizziness/vertigo, Eczema, infected/inflamed, Erection problems/impotence, Eye pain, with no foreign body, Fever (high temperature) in child, unwell, Headache/migraine, persistent, Hoarseness, more than 3 weeks, Impetigo, Jaundice (yellow skin), Kidney infection (e.g., loin pain, temperature, vomiting), Loss of weight, unintentional, Lumps, hard, irregular shape, fixed in position, increasing size, Moles, changing in appearance, Mouth ulcers, lasting more than 3 weeks, Night sweats, Nipple discharge or rashes on nipple, Pain, at night, affecting sleep, Palliative care, Palpitations, Period problems, Pins and needles, persistent, Quinsy (pus filled swelling around tonsil), Rashes, Rashes, non-blanching, Rectal bleeding, Shingles, Skin lesion, changing, Sore throat, persistent (more than 3w), Suicide risk or risk of self-harm, Swallowing difficulty, Sweating, at night, with/out fever, Syringe drivers, Terminal care, Tiredness, no obvious reason, Unable to pass urine at all, Urine infection (UTI), in men, Weight loss, unintentional
THIS SERVICE DEALS WITH Asthma, Blood pressure, Blocked ears and wax, Cardiovascular reviews, Chronic bronchitis care, Simple dressings, Family planning, Health checks, Ring pessaries, Smears and swabs, Travel advice, Vaccinations, Weight monitoring
THIS SERVICE DEALS WITH Abuse concerns, Baby colic, Behaviour issues, Breast/bottle advice, Constipation, Feeding & weaning advice, Healthy eating, Hearing/speech issues, Normal development, Poor/faltering growth, Postnatal blues, Preschool issues, Support at home
THIS SERVICE DEALS WITH Advising on normal antenatal care, Pregnancy advice, Postnatal care
Patients with bleeding in early pregnancy or suspected miscarriage can self-refer to the Gynae Assessment Unit (GAU) Early Pregnancy Service on 01332 786525 (ask for 'EPAU' or early pregnancy assessment unit) - there is no need to speak to or see a GP before self-referring
ADHD/ASD concerns, Bedwetting, Behaviour issues, Bullying, Developmental screening, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Drug advice, General support, Health education, Immunisations, Safeguarding, Safe sex education, Signposting, Stop smoking advice