Visit the required resource using the dropdown menu or click the appropriate image or links below:
CARE SERVICES PAGE For help from care co-ordinators, community matrons, social services, social prescribers, carers support workers, Citizens Advice, and support for veterans
BONES & JOINTS PAGE For help from physiotherapy, occupational therapy (OT), podiatry and mobility services
EXTENDED TEAM PAGE For help from the extended health care team, like GPs, practice nurses, advanced nurse practitioners, district nurse, health visitor, midwife and school nurse
HEADSPACE PAGE For things located in the head, so help from opticians, dentists and hearing services (for mental health see below)
HOSPITAL SERVICES PAGE For help from 111 and hospital services, like walk-in centres, urgent treatment centres, A&E including 999 ambulance
LIFESTYLE CHANGES PAGE For help for lifestyle changes, like stopping smoking, exercise referral, weight management, drugs, stress and wellbeing and alcohol services
MINOR ILLNESS PAGE For official NHS links to help for minor illness, such as cough, colds, sore throat
PHARMACIST PAGE For help with medication queries, advice, clinical and community pharmacists, minor illness and over the counter treatments
SEXUAL HEALTH & OTHER SERVICES PAGE For help with all sexual health matters, family planning, emergency contraception, continence services and specialist sexual abuse services
If you need further help, you can use the following resources or contact your own surgery:
Self-care forum factsheets Live Life Better Derbyshire Derby Live Well Handi Paediatrics App Patient.info Contact your surgery